Friday, October 9, 2009

The Family!

I tweeted about this last weekend, but this past weekend I took off (for sanity) and instead of not doing anything picture-wise, I decided that since we were going down to Lincoln and would be seeing our family( my in-laws) that I would put together a family picture.  Luckily my husband's family is a go-with-the-flow type of family.  We went shopping Saturday afternoon about two hours before pictures, got all the kids outfits and pulled it together!  This is always a stressful one for me, not because the parents aka my sibling-in-laws expect miracles, but because there are 12 kids who know me and don't really seem too interested when I act like a dork to make them smile, it's normal apparently and thus not so funny.  On top of that, the group picture of all of us entails me setting up my tripod and trying to get everyone at least looking in the direction of the camera when the timer goes off...well, I feel it was successful (though I can show you since it will most likely be the Christmas card!) and to top that, it's the beginning of October!!!!  Yay!

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