Monday, February 15, 2010

Chicago Babies!

Aside from visitng my friend in South Bend, I was able to fit in a few babies. 

The first baby is little Moriah.  She is a sweet little pumpkin and slept perfectly for her shoot.  I had the privilege of photographing her mommy and daddy as they were engaged and at their wedding.  She popped her eyes open just at the end so we could get a few with her intently looking into the camera:

Evan was my second little subject.  He was 3 weeks old and did a great job of sleeping the first half of the shoot and being awake the second half.  He did such a good job as being a little model.  This was such a special shoot because his mommy was in the hospital due to complications from her c-section so knowing how much she wanted to be there holding her little guy made this hard and important.  I hope she enjoys this little peek at her sweek little boy! 

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